Workshop: Prepárese para su primer invierno en Calgary
Online - Zoom¿Está interesado en aprender cómo estar seguro y disfrutar de su primer invierno en Calgary? Únase a un representante de…
¿Está interesado en aprender cómo estar seguro y disfrutar de su primer invierno en Calgary? Únase a un representante de…
Do you need help understanding various legal documents like wills, personal directives and powers of attorney? Join this session facilitated…
Are you interested in learning about what to do in case of an emergency? Join us for an emergency preparedness…
Ви новоприбулий з України? Чи хотіли б ви дізнатися про шляхи отримання постійного резиденства? Приєднуйтесь до цієї інформаційної сесії з…
Are you a newcomer? Do you want to learn about the importance of mental health in your settlement process? Join…
Would you like to learn about the unique culture of the Canadian healthcare system, where everyone can access healthcare? Join…
Would you like to learn how to stay safe and enjoy your first winter in Calgary? Join us for this…
This workshop will start with a complimentary 30-minute Welcome Orientation Session. During this time, you will learn about Calgary, and…
Do you want to learn about the different types of fraud that can affect individuals? Join Maryam Barmala, from the…
想要了解亚省关于长者的各项健康福利吗?来加入我们吧! 您将了解以下项目中关于长者的健康福利: 亚省健康保险制度 蓝十字保险制度 亚省日常生活援助 特殊需求援助计划 如何使用健康热线811以及如何向亚尔伯塔健康服务请求医疗翻译服务。 讲座结束后会有新移民欢迎讲座。我们诚挚地邀请您参加, 只需要30分钟的时间,与我们一起,探索加拿大,了解卡尔加里..... 注册请点击 其他问题请联系 Angela Zhao 403-265-1120