Rebeca Marin- Volunteer of the Month for June 2024

Rebeca Marin arrived in Canada about 15 years ago when she relocated from Mexico to join her husband in Vancouver.  Two years ago, she moved to Calgary.

Rebeca first learned about Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC) in 2023 at the Calgary Public Library and decided to join ISC’s volunteer team. Since then, she has volunteered over 250 hours.

She says volunteering at ISC allows her to support newcomers to Canada and give back to the community. Rebeca believes others should explore volunteering because it is an opportunity to meet people.

When asked what motivates her most about volunteering at ISC, she said the organization is “a place that really cares about the people they serve and the people who work and volunteer there.”

During her time at ISC, Rebeca observed that clients truly value the support they receive from the organization. This has been both an encouragement and a learning experience for her.

“It has been a memorable experience with lots of satisfaction that I will take with myself everywhere I go,” she added.

Abdallah Abushammala, Client Care Manager at ISC, has noted Rebeca’s dedication and compassion for newcomers and their families since she started volunteering with the Client Care team in January 2024.

“Rebeca has been an invaluable asset to the team,” he said. “Her contributions have made a world of difference.”

Rebeca speaks English and Spanish and has a master’s degree in psychology and education.